Courtesy Security Inc

Why Hospitals and Healthcare Facilities Need Security Guards

When people go to a hospital or a healthcare facility to seek treatment for various ailments and conditions or to visit patients, they do so with the expectation that they are in a safe environment. This is why it is critical for security to be taken extremely seriously in such places.

In addition, it is necessary to safeguard the staff members working onsite, including doctors and nurses. Healthcare professionals play a crucial role in caring for the community and deserve top-notch security so that they can continue to do their jobs effectively and with peace of mind. 

Unfortunately, hospitals and healthcare facilities are often considered “soft targets” due to their high-density and high-traffic nature, which means they often face unique security challenges. 

With countless access points and frequently limited security personnel, such facilities can be more susceptible to crimes, such as theft, violence, and disturbances. In order to ensure the safety of patients, visitors, and staff, it is necessary to have comprehensive security measures in place that mitigate the risks inherent in such environments. 

Among these security measures is having security guards on the premises. Their presence can function as a major deterrent for most issues, and can help in various other ways when threats to security occur.

Main Benefits of Having Security Guards at Your Hospital or Healthcare Facility

There are a number of ways that your hospital or healthcare facility can benefit from having security guards positioned in various areas around the premises, especially when these guards are highly trained and experienced.

With the right team of security personnel on-site, it is much easier to ensure the security of everyone in the building, and will also provide a better sense of safety for everyone coming in and out of the facility. The following are some of the main benefits of having security guards at your hospital or healthcare facility:

1. Addressing physical violence

Unfortunately, healthcare and social service workers tend to face many risks of job-related violence. In recent years, the rate of physical violence in hospitals has significantly risen.

People often have a difficult time controlling their emotions in hospitals. For instance, when someone close to them dies, this is a very emotionally charged situation that can lead to intense and chaotic scenarios since they may blame doctors and other staff members for such sad outcomes. 

Patients, visitors, and staff may be subject to threats. This can escalate to assault, which can be a tricky situation to handle without security personnel there to help de-escalate things. 

The presence of security guards usually deters potential offenders from committing such acts since they know they have a much higher chance of getting caught and reprimanded. When physical altercations do take place, trained security officers can also get involved and take necessary steps to minimize harm.

2. Dealing with disorderly conduct

Even when anger does not escalate to violence, non-violent disorderly conduct can still lead to various issues at healthcare facilities.

If patients or visitors start shouting and acting belligerent in other ways, this kind of behaviour needs to be stopped as quickly as possible before it escalates and leads to other issues. Without security officers present, this becomes the responsibility of other staff, such as doctors and nurses.

However, if these medical professionals get caught up dealing with disorderly people, this takes them away from the patients who require their time and attention, which is obviously problematic.

To prevent such issues, it is best to have security officers on site, as it will then fall to them to deal with patients and visitors who behave in this way.

3. Minimizing theft and criminal activity

Healthcare facilities are also often targeted by vandals and thieves, as medical devices and pharmaceuticals are quite valuable. This is yet another reason why having security guards on-site is important. Security guards can deter theft and ensure that anyone attempting such acts is caught. 

Unfortunately, child abductions are also a relatively common occurrence in hospitals, especially that of infants, as the heavy foot traffic makes it easier for kidnappers to get away undetected.

However, when security officers are patrolling the premises, kidnappers are more likely to be deterred from attempting such crimes, providing an extra layer of protection for these children.

4. Controlling and monitoring entry points

Since most healthcare facilities are busy places, it is essential for security guards to be positioned strategically at entrances to restricted areas to ensure that only those with valid credentials are able to gain access.

If someone tries to enter an arena such as the emergency room, intensive care area, or behavioural health department, where they should not be, a security guard can handle the situation in an appropriate manner and redirect them away from this place. 

Security officers are much better equipped to handle such confrontations in a professional manner, thus actively safeguarding these vital parts of the facility. 

In certain cases, there may be some individuals who are not allowed on the premises at all because of previous behaviour or other factors. Having security guards present at the building’s entrances can also ensure these individuals stay out.

How Courtesy Security Can Secure Your Healthcare Facility With Highly Trained Security Guards

If you run a hospital or healthcare facility, and you are looking to enhance the security of your building to better protect your visitors, patients, and staff, a security company like Courtesy Security can help you do exactly that.

We recognize the essential role that security guards play in a medical facility. Our specialized expertise in healthcare security allows us to offer tailored security solutions to address the unique challenges that often arise at hospitals, clinics, and other healthcare facilities. 

Our team of security experts is well-trained in maintaining patient security, safeguarding medical equipment, pharmaceuticals, and other valuables, protecting patient health information, and responding to emergencies.

To provide your healthcare facility with top-notch security, we are equipped to offer access control measures, security patrols and response, and patient and staff escort services, as well as various other security measures. 

All of our officers undergo rigorous training in patient interaction protocols, emergency response protocols, and other important areas to ensure that they are best equipped to be stationed in medical facilities. We can provide round-the-clock security support so that you never have to worry about your facility being compromised.

For more information about our top-notch security company, or to learn more about the various security measures that we can implement at your hospital or other healthcare facility, call Courtesy Security at 888-841-6930 or contact us here.

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This post was written by Ferdows Farah

October 1, 2024 10:00 am